
Description of ouble stage vacuum extruder

In brick and ceramic industry, this is the last machine which gives the final shape to the product. It basically consists of two main units. The first unit located on the top is a double shaft de-airing mixer. It mixes and kneads the clay material. Mud is then passed through a vacuum chamber in which de-airing of the material is achieved. The vacuumed mud is then directed towads the so called lower unit. Here the squeezing and driving augers carry the mud into the machine barrel. Finally the exrusion operation is completed by forcing the mud block through the desired die shape. This machine can handle materials with moisture ratios os 20 to 25 per cent. 
The double shaft de-airing mixer is a sturdy steel construction. The main body and other parts of the lower exruding machine are of heavy duty cast materials. 

At the outled port of the upper unit a cutter is installed. In this system the mud is brought to the most desirable condition for de-airing. Problems of over compaction and over loading in the vacuum chamber is thus prevented. 
All paddles and augers are made out of wear resistant steel. They are designed with high accuract to operate with minimum energy consumption. 

Slippage of mud in the forcing paddle section and in the machine barrel is prevented by easily replacable internal steel linings. 

Upper and lower units are driven by two different gear boxer and motors. Also clutching systems are installed on both units. 

Upper and lower units could be positioned atraight or at right angle with respect to each other depending on the plant layout requirementer

